Tips To Avoid Power Struggles With Your Child

A child asserting herself is a normal part of development; at younger ages it can be a way of a child developing a sense of herself apart from her parents, or at older ages, developing more independent thinking.  Often this behavior is the outward sign of an...

Raising a Good Listener

How do you teach your child to be a good listener…especially in these times of instant technology & multi-tasking? The key is to carve out time each day for face-to-face interaction with your child. Being a good listener involves: Being calm, which promotes...

Not Sure Why Your Child Is Acting Out? This May Be Why…

Behavior is often a child’s attempt to cope and your job is to do the detective work to find out what underlies the behavior change. The following considerations are good places to start: Sleep Cycle- This is a primary area for consideration. Your child may now have...

How To Change Negative Patterns Of Behavior

Often we think of “bad behavior” in terms of poor compliance and needing more discipline. While a child may use behavior to test boundaries, often it is the child’s way of communicating something important to you. Your child may have big feelings that she doesn’t know...