How to Stay Calm When Your Child Throws a Tantrum

How to Stay Calm When Your Child Throws a Tantrum

Your heart beats faster, your breathing increases and your mind is racing as you observe your child’s behavior escalate towards a tantrum. How do you keep calm? The ability to self-calm is among the greatest life skills your child will learn. She will use it to cope...
Preparing Your Child for Big Changes

Preparing Your Child for Big Changes

Change offers you an opportunity for supporting adaptive emotional coping in your child that prepares her for life. Here are guiding principles: Consistency. Create a rhythm for the day; it doesn’t need to be rigid, but should have some elements of predictability....

Strategies For Parenting The Strong Willed Child

“Strong Willed” kids often have terrific gifts that can develop into leadership qualities as they get older.  One of the primary parenting challenges can be the ease with which you can find yourself in a power struggle! Your focus needs to be less on compliance...